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Trove newspapers with articles published after 1954

Updated: 27 June 2024

CSV formatted dataset containing a list of digitised newspapers in Trove with articles published after 1954 (the copyright cliff of death).

The dataset contains the following columns:

Column Contents
title the full title of the newspaper
state the state in which the newspaper was published
id Trove's unique identifier for this newspaper
startDate the earliest date of articles from this newspaper available in Trove
endDate the latest date of articles from this newspaper available in Trove
issn ISSN
number_of_articles the number of articles from this newspaper published after 1954 available in Trove
troveUrl link to more information about this newspaper

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Sherratt, Tim. (2022). GLAM-Workbench/trove-newspapers (version v1.3.4). Zenodo.