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Details of digitised periodicals from the `/magazine/titles` API endpoint

This dataset was created by checking, correcting, and enriching data about digitised periodicals obtained from the Trove API. Additional metadata describing periodical titles and issues was extracted from the Trove website and used to check the API results. Where titles were wrongly described as issues, and vice versa, the records were corrected. Additional descriptive metadata was also added into the records. Separate CSV formatted data files were created for titles and issues. Finally, the titles and issues data was loaded into an SQLite database for use with Datasette.

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date harvested2024-03-12
file size4.0 MB
licenseCC0 Public Domain Dedication

This file contains data describing digitised periodicals available from Trove. The titles and issues data was harvested from the Trove API and combined into a single file. Duplicate titles and Commonwealth Parliamentary Papers were removed. Additional data on issues missing from the API results was scraped from Trove web pages.

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date harvested2024-03-18
file size295.5 kB
number of rows909

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name type description
id string nla.obj identifier for the periodical
title string title of the periodical
description string additional information, eg 'Issues 1-7 (incomplete)'
publisher string publisher of periodical
trove_url string url to view digitised periodical in Trove
download_text string url to download a zip file containing OCRd text from this title
issue_count integer number of digitised issues in Trove
start_date date earliest publication date
end_date date latest publication date
start_year integer publication year of first digitised issue
end_year integer publication year of last digitised issue
extent string physical description, eg: '2 v; 22 cm'
place string locations associated with this periodical
issn string ISSN
catalogue_url string link to NLA catalogue


date harvested2024-03-12
file size9.2 MB
number of rows37,016

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name type description
id string nla.obj identifier for the issue
title_id string nla.obj identifier for the periodical
title string title of the periodical
description string additional issue publication details, eg: 'Volume 1, issue 1'
date date issue publication date
url string url to view the issue in Trove
pages integer number of pages in this issue
text_download_url string url to download OCRd text from this issue


date harvested2024-03-14
file size12.3 MB

This SQLite database contains data relating to digitised periodical titles and issues from Trove. It was created for use with Datasette-Lite. There is a foreign key link between the issues and the titles, making it easy to find the issues from any title. Some extra columns have been added to include thumbnails and provide links to search for articles in Trove and download OCRd text.

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Context of creation

date harvested2024-03-18
notebookEnrich the list of periodicals from the Trove API

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