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GLAM data from government portals

Current version: v1.0.0

This is an attempt to assemble some useful information about Australian GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) datasets.

As a first step, I've harvested GLAM-related datasets from the various national and state data portals.

ARDC Binder Binder


Harvesting GLAM data from government portals

This notebook attempts to harvest the details of GLAM datasets from state and national data portals. I did this by identifying relevant organisations, tags, and queries, and then harvesting all the packages associated with them. It also attempts some analysis of the results.

Harvest GLAM datasets from (deprecated)

This is a quick attempt to harvest datasets published by GLAM institutions using the new API. To create the list of organisations, I searched the organisations on the site for 'library', 'archives', 'records', and 'museum'. Note that due to a problem with duplicates on, I'm no longer using this notebook to harvest the data.


GLAM datasets in government data portals

Harvested 21 October 2024


Cite as

Sherratt, Tim. (2022). GLAM-Workbench/ozglam-data (version v1.0.0). Zenodo.