The GLAM Workbench received investment from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) for work associated with the Trove Data Guide. The ARDC is funded by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).Section sponsors
- The Web Archives section of the GLAM Workbench is sponsored by the British Library.
GitHub sponsors
Work on the GLAM Workbench is generously supported by 14 GitHub sponsors:
- waynemus
- Noreen Kirkman
- Shawn Graham
- Albin Larsson
- sallycbloomfield
- richardhunter1114
- Jonathan O'Donnell
- Between River & Stream
- Windsoria
- Stephmcg
- Michael Honey
- michwatsonoz
- and 2 anonymous sponsors
If you'd like to become a supporter, head to the GitHub sponsors page. Sponsorship tiers start at $1.00 a month.