Exploring digitised maps in Trove¶
If you've ever poked around in Trove's 'map' zone, you might have noticed the beautiful deep-zoomable images available for many of the NLA's digitised maps. Even better, in many cases the high-resolution TIFF versions of the digitised maps are available for download.
I knew there were lots of great maps you could download from Trove, but how many? And how big were the files? I thought I'd try to quantify this a bit by harvesting and analysing the metadata.
The size of the downloadable files (both in bytes and pixels) are embedded within the landing pages for the digitised maps. So harvesting the metadata involves a number of steps:
- Use the Trove API to search for maps that include the phrase "nla.obj" – this will filter the results to maps that have been digitised and are available through Trove
- Work through the results, checking to see if the record includes a link to a digital copy.
- If there is a digital copy, extract the embedded work data from the landing page.
- Scrape the copyright status from the page.
2023 update! It turns out that embedded within the embedded data are MARC descriptions that include some other metadata that's not available through the API. This includes the map scale and coordinates. The coordinates can either be a point, or a bounding box. I've saved these values as well, and explored some ways of parsing and visualising the coordinates in this notebook.
The fields in the harvested dataset are:
– title of the mapurl
– url to the map in the digitised file viewerwork_url
– url to the work in the Trove map categoryidentifier
– NLA identifierdate
– date published or createdcreators
– creators of the mappublication
– publication place, publisher, and publication date (if available)extent
– physical description of mapcopyright_status
– copyright status based on available metadata (scraped from web page)scale
– map scalecoordinates
– map coordinates, either a point or a bounding box (format is 'W--E/N--S', eg: 'E 130⁰50'--E 131⁰00'/S 12⁰30'--S 12⁰40')filesize_string
– filesize string in MBfilesize
– size of TIFF file in byteswidth
– width of TIFF in pixelsheight
– height of TIFF in pixelscopy_role
– I'm not sure what the values in this field signify, but as described below, you can use them to download high-res TIFF images
Getting map images¶
There are a couple of undocumented tricks that make it easy to programatically download images of the maps.
- To view the JPG version, just add
to the map url. For example: http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-232162256/image - The JPG image will be at the highest available resolution, but you requests smaller versions using the
parameter to specify a pixel width. For example: http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-232162256/image?wid=400 - There seems to be an upper limit for the resolution of the JPG versions, higher resolutions might be available via the TIFF file which you can download by adding the
value to the url. For example, if thecopy_role
is 'm' this url will download the TIFF: http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-232162256/m (note that some of these files are very, very large – you might want to check thefilesize
before downloading)
Setting things up¶
import datetime
import json
import os
import re
import time
import warnings
from functools import reduce
warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
import requests_cache
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from IPython.display import FileLink, display
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from dotenv import load_dotenv
s = requests_cache.CachedSession()
retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504])
s.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
s.mount("http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
You'll need a Trove API key to harvest the data.¶
# This creates a variable called 'api_key', paste your key between the quotes
# Use an api key value from environment variables if it is available (useful for testing)
if os.getenv("TROVE_API_KEY"):
API_KEY = os.getenv("TROVE_API_KEY")
Define some functions to do the work¶
def get_total_results(params):
Get the total number of results for a search.
these_params = params.copy()
these_params["n"] = 0
response = s.get("https://api.trove.nla.gov.au/v3/result", params=these_params, headers={"X-API-KEY": API_KEY})
data = response.json()
return int(data["category"][0]["records"]["total"])
def get_fulltext_url(links):
Loop through the identifiers to find a link to the digital version of the journal.
url = None
for link in links:
if link["linktype"] == "fulltext" and "nla.obj" in link["value"]:
url = link["value"]
return url
def get_copyright_status(response=None, url=None):
Scrape copyright information from a digital work page.
if url and not response:
response = s.get(url)
if response:
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml")
copyright_status = str(
soup.find("div", id="tab-access").find("p", class_="decorative").string
return copyright_status
# No access tab
except AttributeError:
return ""
def get_work_data(url):
Extract work data in a JSON string from the work's HTML page.
response = s.get(url)
work_data = json.loads(
r"var work = JSON\.parse\(JSON\.stringify\((\{.*\})", response.text
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
work_data = {}
# else:
# If there's no copyright info in the work data, then scrape it
# if "copyrightPolicy" not in work_data:
# work_data["copyrightPolicy"] = get_copyright_status(response)
if not response.from_cache:
return work_data
def find_field_content(record, tag, subfield):
Loop through a MARC record looking for tag/subfield.
If found, return the subfield value.
for field in record["datafield"]:
if field["tag"] == tag:
if isinstance(field["subfield"], list):
for sfield in field["subfield"]:
if sfield["code"] == subfield:
return sfield["content"]
if field["subfield"]["code"] == subfield:
return field["subfield"]["content"]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return ""
def get_marc_field(work_data, tag, subfield):
Loop through all the MARC records in work metadata looking for a tag/subfield.
If found, return the subfield value.
if "marcData" in work_data and work_data["marcData"]:
for record in work_data["marcData"]["record"]:
content = find_field_content(record, tag, subfield)
if content:
return content
return ""
def format_bytes(size):
Format bytes as a human-readable string
# 2**10 = 1024
if not size:
return "", ""
power = 2**10
n = 0
power_labels = {0: "", 1: "K", 2: "M", 3: "G", 4: "T"}
while size > power:
size /= power
n += 1
return size, power_labels[n] + "B"
def get_publication_details(work_data):
Get MARC values for publication details and combine into a single string.
parts = []
for code in ["a", "b", "c"]:
value = get_marc_field(work_data, 260, code)
if value:
return " ".join(parts)
def get_map_data(work_data):
Look for file size information in the embedded data
map_data = {
"filesize_string": "",
"filesize": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"copy_role": ""
width = None
height = None
num_bytes = None
# Make sure there's a downloadable version
if (
work_data.get("accessConditions") == "Unrestricted"
and "copies" in work_data
for copy in work_data["copies"]:
width = ""
height = ""
num_bytes = ""
copy_role = ""
# Get the pixel dimensions
if "technicalmetadata" in copy:
width = copy["technicalmetadata"].get("width", 0)
height = copy["technicalmetadata"].get("height", 0)
# Get filesize in bytes
elif (
copy["copyrole"] in ["m", "o", "i", "fd"]
and copy["access"] == "true"
num_bytes = copy.get("filesize", 0)
copy_role = copy.get("copyrole", "")
size, unit = format_bytes(num_bytes)
# Convert bytes to something human friendly
if size:
map_data["filesize_string"] = "{:.2f}{}".format(size, unit)
map_data["filesize"] = num_bytes
map_data["width"] = width
map_data["height"] = height
map_data["copy_role"] = copy_role
except AttributeError:
return map_data
def get_maps():
Harvest metadata about maps.
url = "http://api.trove.nla.gov.au/v3/result"
maps = []
params = {
"q": '"nla.obj-"',
"category": "image",
"l-artType": "map",
"l-availability": "y",
"l-format": "Map/Single map",
"bulkHarvest": "true", # Needed to maintain a consistent order across requests
"n": 100,
"encoding": "json",
start = "*"
total = get_total_results(params)
with tqdm(total=total) as pbar:
while start:
params["s"] = start
response = s.get(url, params=params, headers={"X-API-KEY": API_KEY})
data = response.json()
# If there's a startNext value then we get it to request the next page of results
start = data["category"][0]["records"]["nextStart"]
except KeyError:
start = None
for work in tqdm(
data["category"][0]["records"]["work"], leave=False
# Check to see if there's a link to a digital version
fulltext_url = get_fulltext_url(work["identifier"])
except KeyError:
if fulltext_url:
work_data = get_work_data(fulltext_url)
map_data = get_map_data(work_data)
obj_id = re.search(r"(nla\.obj\-\d+)", fulltext_url).group(1)
# Get basic metadata
# You could add more work data here
# Check the Trove API docs for work record structure
map_data["title"] = work.get("title", "")
map_data["url"] = fulltext_url
map_data["work_url"] = work.get("troveUrl", "")
map_data["identifier"] = obj_id
map_data["date"] = work.get("issued", "")
map_data["creators"] = "|".join(work.get("contributor", []))
map_data["publication"] = get_publication_details(work_data)
map_data["extent"] = work_data.get("extent", "")
# I think the copyright status scraped from the page (below) is more likely to be accurate
# map_data["copyright_policy"] = work_data.get("copyrightPolicy")
map_data["copyright_status"] = get_copyright_status(
map_data["scale"] = get_marc_field(work_data, 255, "a")
map_data["coordinates"] = get_marc_field(work_data, 255, "c")
# print(map_data)
return maps
Download map data¶
maps = get_maps()
Convert to dataframe and save to CSV¶
# Convert to dataframe
# Convert dtypes converts numbers to integers rather than floats
df = pd.DataFrame(maps).convert_dtypes()
def merge_column(columns):
values = []
for value in columns:
if isinstance(value, list):
values += [str(v) for v in value if v]
elif value:
return " | ".join(sorted(set(values)))
def merge_records(df):
# df["pages"].fillna(0, inplace=True)
# df.fillna("", inplace=True)
# df["pages"] = df["pages"].astype("Int64")
# Add base dataset with columns that will always have only one value
dfs = [df[["identifier", "url"]].drop_duplicates()]
# Columns that potentially have multiple values which will be merged
columns = [
# Merge values from each column in turn, creating a new dataframe from each
for column in columns:
df.groupby(["identifier", "url"])[column].apply(merge_column).reset_index()
# Merge all the individual dataframes into one, linking on `text_file` value
df_merged = reduce(
lambda left, right: pd.merge(left, right, on=["identifier", "url"], how="left"), dfs
return df_merged
df_merged = merge_records(df)
# Reorder columns
df_merged = df_merged[
# Save to CSV
csv_file = f"single_maps_{datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')}.csv"
df_merged.to_csv(csv_file, index=False)
Let's explore the results¶
# Reload data from CSV if necessary
df = pd.read_csv(
How many digitised maps are available?
print("{:,} maps".format(df.shape[0]))
35,042 maps
df.loc[df.duplicated(["url"], keep=False)].sort_values("url")
identifier | title | url | work_url | date | creators | publication | extent | copyright_status | scale | coordinates | filesize_string | filesize | width | height | copy_role | mb | |
2314 | nla.obj-1059119069 | [Western Australia gold mining leases]. Depart... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1059119069 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/14409767 | 1905 | Western Australia. Department of Mines | [South Kensington : Science Museum Library, 19... | 1 map ; 65 x 99 cm. | Out of Copyright | Scale [ca. 1:31 680] | (E 122°10'30"/S 28°49'00") | 1.19GB | 1281565428 | 25062 | 17045 | m | 1222.196033 |
2315 | nla.obj-1059119069 | [Western Australia gold mining leases]. Depart... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1059119069 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/14409773 | 1905 | Western Australia. Department of Mines | [South Kensington : Science Museum Library, 19... | 1 map ; 65 x 99 cm. | Out of Copyright | Scale [ca. 1:31 680] | (E 122°10'30"/S 28°49'00") | 1.19GB | 1281565428 | 25062 | 17045 | m | 1222.196033 |
2471 | nla.obj-1059122984 | [Western Australia gold mining leases]. (1.2.0... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1059122984 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/14626171 | 1905 | Western Australia. Department of Mines | [London : Science Museum Library, 1905?] | 1 map ; 65 x 98 cm. | Edition Out of Copyright | Scale [ca. 1:15 840] | (E 121°09'/S 30°57') | 1.14GB | 1228526852 | 23731 | 17256 | m | 1171.614506 |
2467 | nla.obj-1059122984 | [Western Australia gold mining leases]. (1.2.0... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1059122984 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/14626082 | 1905 | Western Australia. Department of Mines | [London : Science Museum Library, 1905?] | 1 map ; 65 x 98 cm. | Edition Out of Copyright | Scale [ca. 1:15 840] | (E 121°09'/S 30°57') | 1.14GB | 1228526852 | 23731 | 17256 | m | 1171.614506 |
2472 | nla.obj-1059123632 | [Western Australia gold mining leases]. 20.5.0... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1059123632 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/14626181 | 1905 | Western Australia. Department of Mines | [London : Science Museum Library, 1905?] | 1 map ; 65 x 98 cm. | Edition Out of Copyright | Scale [ca. 1:15 840] | (E 121°09'/S 30°57') | 1.20GB | 1287582536 | 25084 | 17110 | m | 1227.934395 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4155 | nla.obj-678124518 | Geological atlas 1:50 000 series. Geological S... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-678124518 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/16946369 | 1987 | Geological Survey of Tasmania | Hobart, Tas. : The Dept., 1987 | 1 map : col. ; 56 x 84 cm. on sheet 69 x 107 cm. | In Copyright | Scale 1:50 000 | (E 148⁰00'--E 148⁰30'/S 41⁰15'--S 41⁰30') | 1.16GB | 1245749060 | 25436 | 16325 | m | 1188.038883 |
23268 | nla.obj-893284845 | Vegetation survey of Western Australia. mapped... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-893284845 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/32952780 | 1973 | Beard, J. S. (John Stanley), 1916-2011 | Perth : Vegmap Publications, 1973 | 1 map ; 47 x 59 cm., on sheet 59 x 70 cm. + 1 ... | In Copyright | Scale 1:250,000 | (E 123°00ʹ--E 124°30ʹ/S 33°00ʹ--S 34°00ʹ). | 748.65MB | 785014388 | 18087 | 14467 | m | 748.64806 |
7405 | nla.obj-893284845 | Vegetation survey of Western Australia. mapped... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-893284845 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/19937156 | 1973 | Beard, J. S. (John Stanley), 1916-2011 | Perth : Vegmap Publications, 1973 | 1 map ; 47 x 59 cm., on sheet 59 x 70 cm. + 1 ... | In Copyright | Scale 1:250,000 | (E 123°00ʹ--E 124°30ʹ/S 33°00ʹ--S 34°00ʹ). | 748.65MB | 785014388 | 18087 | 14467 | m | 748.64806 |
132 | nla.obj-961623531 | Australia 1:25 000 topographic survey. Produce... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-961623531 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/10384783 | 1979 | Western Australia. Department of Lands and Sur... | Perth (W.A.) : Dept. of Lands and Surveys, 1979 | 1 map : col. ; 55 x 50 cm. | In Copyright | Scale 1:25,000 | (E 115°45ʹ00ʺ--E 115°52ʹ30ʺ/S 32°15ʹ00ʺ--S 32°... | 676.20MB | 709045908 | 14078 | 16788 | m | 676.198872 |
3339 | nla.obj-961623531 | Australia 1:25 000 topographic survey.: Wellar... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-961623531 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/159335939 | 1891-1979 | Western Australia. Department of Lands and Sur... | Perth (W.A.) : Dept. of Lands and Surveys, 1979 | 1 map : col. ; 55 x 50 cm. | In Copyright | Scale 1:25,000 | (E 115°45ʹ00ʺ--E 115°52ʹ30ʺ/S 32°15ʹ00ʺ--S 32°... | 676.20MB | 709045908 | 14078 | 16788 | m | 676.198872 |
398 rows × 17 columns
How many of the maps have high-resolution downloads?
(30738, 16)
What are the copy_role
copy_role m 30344 i 364 o 30 Name: count, dtype: Int64
How much map data is available for download?
size, unit = format_bytes(df["filesize"].sum())
print("{:.2f}{}".format(size, unit))
What's the copyright status of the maps?
copyright_status Out of Copyright 25281 In Copyright 8618 Edition Out of Copyright 631 Copyright Undetermined 349 Copyright Uncertain 110 Unknown 22 Edition In Copyright 4 Name: count, dtype: Int64
Let's show the copyright status as a chart...
counts = df["copyright_status"].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index()
counts.columns = ["status", "count"]
y="status:N", x="count", tooltip="count"
Let's look at the sizes of the download files. To make this easier we'll divide the filesizes into ranges (bins) and count the number of files in each range.
# Convert bytes to mb
df["mb"] = df["filesize"] / 2**10 / 2**10
# Create 500mb-sized bins and count the number of files in each bin
sizes = (
pd.cut(df["mb"], bins=[0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 3500])
sizes.columns = ["mb", "count"]
# Convert intervals to strings for display in chart
sizes["mb"] = sizes["mb"].astype(str)
mb | count | |
0 | (0, 500] | 16143 |
1 | (500, 1000] | 11454 |
2 | (1000, 1500] | 2733 |
3 | (1500, 2000] | 311 |
4 | (2000, 3000] | 84 |
5 | (3000, 3500] | 12 |
x=alt.X("mb:N", sort=None), y="count:Q", tooltip="count:Q"
So while most are less than 500MB, more than 10,000 are between 0.5 and 1GB!
What's the biggest file available for download?
identifier nla.obj-2458846831 title Geologic map of the Arabian Peninsula / compil... url https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2458846831 work_url https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/12332257 date 1963 creators Geological Survey (U.S.) publication Washington, D.C. : The Survey, 1963 extent 1 map : col. ; 113 x 132 cm. copyright_status In Copyright scale Scale 1:2,000,000 ; coordinates (E 34°--E 61°/N 32°--N 12°) filesize_string 3.64GB filesize 3907679404 width 43211 height 30144 copy_role m mb 3726.653484 Name: 1536, dtype: object
All downloads greater than 3GB.
df.loc[(df["filesize"] / 2**10 / 2**10 / 2**10) > 3]
identifier | title | url | work_url | date | creators | publication | extent | copyright_status | scale | coordinates | filesize_string | filesize | width | height | copy_role | mb | |
1536 | nla.obj-2458846831 | Geologic map of the Arabian Peninsula / compil... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2458846831 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/12332257 | 1963 | Geological Survey (U.S.) | Washington, D.C. : The Survey, 1963 | 1 map : col. ; 113 x 132 cm. | In Copyright | Scale 1:2,000,000 ; | (E 34°--E 61°/N 32°--N 12°) | 3.64GB | 3907679404 | 43211 | 30144 | m | 3726.653484 |
2611 | nla.obj-2567709383 | Map of the coastal plain of British Guiana | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2567709383 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/152215030 | 1955 | Bleackley, D. (David) | [S.l.] : Geological Survey of British Guiana, ... | 1 map : col. ; 88 x 205 cm. | In Copyright | Scale [ca. 1:143,000]. | (W 60°00ʹ--W 57°00ʹ/N 9°00ʹ--N 6°00ʹ). | 3.08GB | 3305391052 | 49731 | 22155 | m | 3152.266552 |
5240 | nla.obj-591001246 | Map of the City of Rangoon and suburbs 1928-29... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-591001246 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/182743876 | 1932 | Geological Survey of India | 1 map on 4 sheets : colour ; 154 x 126 cm, sheets | Out of Copyright | Scale 1:12,000. 1 in. = 1000 ft. | (E 96°06ʹ--E 96°13ʹ/N 16°53ʹ--N 16°44ʹ). | 3.38GB | 3623879488 | 31769 | 38023 | m | 3456.000793 | |
6241 | nla.obj-3009772762 | Shqipëria, hartë fiziko-politike : shkalla 1... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-3009772762 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/191812727 | 1965 | Samimi, Ergjin | 1 map on 3 sheets : color ; 173 x 91 cm, sheet... | In Copyright | Scale 1:200,000. 1 cm to 2 km ; | (E 18°58ʹ--E 21°12ʹ/N 42°40ʹ--N 39°35ʹ). | 3.04GB | 3266078212 | 23106 | 47117 | m | 3114.774906 | |
7871 | nla.obj-568387103 | Peta geologi teknik daerah Jakarta - Bogor = E... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-568387103 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/20208553 | 1970 | Indonesia. Direktorat Geologi | 1 map : colour ; 157 x 107 cm | In Copyright | Scale 1:50,000 | (E 106°33'00"--E 106°59'00"/S 5°59'00"--S 6°38... | 3.05GB | 3279210576 | 26384 | 41429 | m | 3127.298904 | |
8362 | nla.obj-400826638 | Nyūginia-tō zenzu / Taiwan Sōtokufu Gaijibu... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-400826638 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/205481810 | 1942 | Taiwan | 1 map on 4 sheets : colour ; 172 x 99 cm | Out of Copyright | Scale 1:5,000,000 ; | (E 126°00ʹ--E 156°00ʹ/N 4°00ʹ--S 12°00ʹ). | 3.04GB | 3264456500 | 42659 | 25508 | m | 3113.228321 | |
11917 | nla.obj-568387099 | Geological map of Djawa and Madura / compiled ... | http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-568387099 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/218208895 | 1963 | Indonesia. Direktorat Geologi | 1 map : colour ; 78 x 216 cm. | In Copyright | Scale 1:500,000 | (E 104°58ʹ28ʺ--E 113°98ʹ28ʺ/S 5°30ʹ00ʺ--S 9°00... | 3.08GB | 3311801600 | 52593 | 20990 | m | 3158.380127 | |
14886 | nla.obj-1954049619 | A new chart of the South Pacific Ocean, includ... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1954049619 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/237421392 | 1849-1857 | James Imray and Son | 1 map ; 96.4 x 183.0 cm | Edition Out of Copyright | Scale approximately 1:11,000,000 at the equator | (E 111°--W 60°/N 20°--S 60°). | 3.00GB | 3223026784 | 44606 | 24085 | m | 3073.717865 | |
15311 | nla.obj-2618718155 | Proposed plan for the site for the federal cap... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2618718155 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/239126400 | 1911 | Wilson, George, died 1923 | 1 map : colour ; 141 x 141 cm | Out of Copyright | Scale 1:4,800 ; | (E 149°08'/S 35°18'). | 3.12GB | 3344969196 | 33600 | 33184 | m | 3190.011211 | |
15477 | nla.obj-2824965115 | Map of the mandated territory of New Guinea / ... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2824965115 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/239997009 | 1925 | Krahe, R. E. | 1 map : transparent architectural linen ; 210 ... | In Copyright | Scale 1:1,000,000 | (E 140°50'00"--E 159°41'00"/S 0°33'00"--S 11°5... | 3.37GB | 3622362060 | 53028 | 22770 | m | 3454.553661 | |
34455 | nla.obj-230705067 | Plan shewing pastoral leases and claims in the... | https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-230705067 | https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/8818311 | 1885-1950 | South Australia. Surveyor-General's Office | Adelaide : Surveyor General's Office, 1885 | 1 map on 3 sheets ; 169.1 x 99.7 cm., on sheet... | Out of Copyright | Scale [1:1 000 000]. 16 miles to 1 inch. | <NA> | 3.08GB | 3308608288 | 25576 | 43121 | m | 3155.334747 |
The widest image?
identifier nla.obj-636346192 title Land status petroleum mining agreement in resp... url http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-636346192 work_url https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/230363372 date 1968 creators Brunei Shell Petroleum Company publication extent 1 map ; 286 x 58 cm copyright_status In Copyright scale Scale 1:10,000 coordinates (E 114°09ʹ53ʺ--E 114°23ʹ34ʺ/N 4°38ʹ42ʺ--N 4°32... filesize_string 2.80GB filesize 3008938460 width 68453 height 14652 copy_role m mb 2869.547329 Name: 13749, dtype: object
The tallest image?
identifier nla.obj-2824964225 title Traverse of the Ramu River, navigated by the "... url https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2824964225 work_url https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/36757550 date 1921-1945 creators Stanley, Evan R. (Evan Richard), 1885-1924 publication extent 1 map : on architectural linen ; 410 x 76 cm copyright_status In Copyright scale Scale 1:31,760 coordinates (E 144°35'--E 144°50'/S 4°01'--S 5°11'). filesize_string 2.85GB filesize 3057135688 width 13840 height 73630 copy_role m mb 2915.511787 Name: 31282, dtype: object
Created by Tim Sherratt for the GLAM Workbench.
Work on this notebook was originally supported by the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) Data Enhanced Virtual Lab.