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Rights applied to images by each Trove contributor

Harvested 9 March 2022

This dataset lists the number of images with each rights statement from organisations contributing to Trove.

Download the dataset from GitHub

This file includes the following columns:

Column Value
id NUC identifier for contributing organisation
full_name Name of contributing organisation
Free/CC Public Domain Number of images
Free/CC BY Number of images
Free/CC0 Number of images
Free/RS NKC Number of images
Free/RS Noc-US Number of images
Free with conditions/CC BY-ND Number of images
Free with conditions/CC BY-SA Number of images
Free with conditions/CC BY-NC Number of images
Free with conditions/CC BY-NC-ND Number of images
Free with conditions/CC BY-NC-SA Number of images
Free with conditions/RS NoC-NC Number of images
Free with conditions/InC-NC Number of images
Free with conditions/InC-EDU Number of images
Restricted/RS InC Number of images
Restricted/RS InC-OW-EU Number of images
Restricted/RS InC-RUU Number of images
Restricted/RS CNE Number of images
Restricted/RS UND Number of images
Restricted/NoC-CR Number of images
Restricted/NoC-OKLR Number of images

Getting help

Cite as

Sherratt, Tim. (2022). GLAM-Workbench/trove-images (version v1.0.1). Zenodo.